Reflection Week 6

Yeah, it’s the day for our fieldtrip. We reached Penang as soon as the Subuh prayer. We refresh ourselves by stopping at a mosque. All of us were tired due to a long journey, though we’re all sleeping tightly in the bus. Soon after we finished our prayer, we went for breakfast. Well, it’s Penang so it’s ‘roti canai’ time! I really love roti canai and now that I;m addicted with roti pisang so I odered it. And of course, my favourite Teh Tarik along with the delicious roti pisang.


Then, we’re moving to Masjid Kapitan Keling. Well it’s my second time here but it’s totally different as I’m with my family back then, and now I’m spending time with my beloved classmates. So, we’re taking pictures here and there, selfies are not excluded as all of us are youngsters.

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Next, we went to a church, which I’m not so sure of the name of that place.


Now, it’s Fort Conwallis. A place full of history.


Then, it’s beach time. There were some of my friend recording their videos here and some are having time for themselves.

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Last but not least, the final pit stop of our fieldtrip, Gurney Plaza. i just hang around with my friends, and had our dinner there. Then we went back to UKM as tomorrow, we will be going for a trip to Malacca.

Well of course I did spend a momentous day with my friends. I learn how to snap awesome pictures too. Thanks for the trip!

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